Visit the beautifully decorated interiors of several historic mansions In Franklin, PA! This tour includes several of the mansions of Miller Park and a few of the grand houses located in the historic district of Franklin, PA. Each of the eight houses on the tour will feature unique Christmas decorations. Tours will run on Saturday, December 21 from 11 AM to 5 PM and on Sunday, December 22 from Noon to 4 PM. The tour begins at the Peddler
s and Paddlers Inn, where participants must exchange their tickets for brochures with locations and descriptions of the homes on the tour. Participants can board a free shuttle bus to visit the homes in the Miller Park section of historic Franklin, where parking is not available, and also ride the shuttle to the other home locations. Tickets are $15 in advance and $18 at the door, if they are not sold out. They can be purchased online via Eventbrite and at the Franklin Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Olive Vault in the Liberty Building, 1243 Liberty Street in Franklin. Proceeds support historic preservation in Franklin. More information is available here.
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